1.معلومات عامة

اسم المساق رقم المساق الساعات المعتمدة
مصطلحات قانونية باللغة الانجليزية 145201 3
الفصل الثاني من العام الاكاديمي: 2023 - 2024

3.وصف المساق والاهداف

This course provides an overview of the terminology contributing to conceptualizing the Palestinian legal system. The course material contains a diverse range of texts and primary sources, covering international law and Palestinian legislation. Particular emphasis is placed on the legislative process and the legal profession. By the end of the course, students would have attained the ability to comprehend fundamental legal concepts in English as they regard to a variety of legal fields, emphasizing law that is especially important to Palestine.

4.المخرجات التعليمية

1- Introduce students to the legal aspects that create the Palestinian legal system.

2- The ability of students to comprehend and apply legal terminology across different areas of law.

3- Enhance communication skills for successful interaction with clients, colleagues, and law graduates from other universities and countries in English.

4- Allow students to deal with the legislative process and the legal profession issues on a global level, and give graduates the option to study law

in English.

5.المخطط التفصيلي

الأسبوع المحتوى التفاصيل
1. Introduction to the course Topic I: Defining the scope of the course and its importance - Course Syllabus Topic II: Methodology: tasks distribution, working groups, evaluation system - Distribution of texts and chapters to be studied - Selected terms f
2-3 Unit 1: Theory of Law Topic I: Theory of law - What is law - The main characteristics of the law - sources of law - subdivisions of law - Selected terms for session
4-5 Unit 2: Public law Topic I: Constitutional law, administrative law, Criminal law - Public law - Selected terms for the session Topic II: Public International law - International law branches - Selected terms for session
6-7 Unit 3: Theory of Right - Public Rights and Liberties - Selected terms for the session
8-9  Midterm Exam  Unit 4: Private Law and Palestinian Basic Law Topic I: Civil Law, Commercial law, Labor Law - Privet law - Selected terms for the session - Private International Law - Taxation and Financial Law
10- 11 Unit 5: - The Amended Basic Law 2003 - Types of courts - Security Forces
12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - Contract parts and how to write it - Common Legal Terminologies
16 Revision Final Exam                                   

6.السياسات المتبعة

7.اساليب التقييم

معيار التقييم العلامة ملاحظات
Midterm exam (Oral and written) 30 20 points ( written) 10 points ( oral )
Homework, quizzes, and participation  30 10 points (Quizzes),  10 points  (Homeworks), 10 points (participation )
Final Exam  40 30 points  ( written), 10 points ( oral)

8.المراجع والمادة الداعمة

Redlines in English Legal Terminology "A Comprehensive Study with Translation and Revision" by Maher Masood (2017- 2018)

English Legal Terminology by Helen Gubby (2016) . Eleven International Publishing.