1.معلومات عامة

اسم المساق رقم المساق الساعات المعتمدة
التسويق من خلال الشبكات الاجتماعية والهاتف النقال 143112 2
الفصل الثاني من العام الاكاديمي: 2023 - 2024

3.وصف المساق والاهداف

Course Description & Objectives

With the development of the marketing concept and the move towards a deeper understanding
of the customer, in this course, we will discuss (US/UI) in detail to understand
the customer from different aspects. The general objectives of the course focus on providing
the opportunity to design a comprehensive and integrated plan to build and design a phone
application, and a website, and design special pages on social networking sites to complete the
marketing process. It also allows students to achieve keen awareness and keenness to
understand the decisions, issues, and activities related to developing such a plan. 

4.المخرجات التعليمية

Course aims and outcomes:
A- Aims:
Identify the basic concepts and theories used in building and designing phone
applications, websites, and social media pages.
Teaching the student how to apply these concepts in designing and building social
media pages, phone applications, and websites, through the use of programs such
as: (Nice Page, One Signal, Facebook, Instagram, X, Snapchat) .
Develop and improve students’ skills by learning about planning skills and dealing
with clients

  • B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
    Knowledge and Understanding
    Professional and Practical skills: Students will be expected to:
    • The ability to plan and write complete work content
    • The ability for students to identify the target group with high accuracy
    • The ability for students to conduct an experiment (customer experience)
    • Correct use of social networking sites
    • The ability to build phone applications and websites
    • The ability to make sponsored ads
    • Developing teamwork skills
    • Preparing and submitting good and well-organized study reports
    • Demonstrate competence and professionalism in dealing with customers

5.المخطط التفصيلي

الأسبوع المحتوى التفاصيل
1 Syllabus, Introduction to Mobile Marketing                                    
2   Basic Concept of Mobile Marketing  
3 Mobile Marketing Tool and APP  
4 Mobile Optimize website (Nice Page)                                    
5+6 Make Mobile App (Nice Page)                                    
7 Design marketing Email and Newsletter                                    
8 Presentation of student projects                                    
9 Midterm Exam                                    
10 History Of Social Media Marketing  
11 Social Media Strategy                                    
12+13 Social Media Channel: Facebook and Instagram                                    
14 Other Social Media channel                                    
15 Presentation of student projects                                    
16 Final Exam                                    

6.السياسات المتبعة

Course Policy:

Attendance Policy: Regular attendance is required at all class meetings.

7.اساليب التقييم

معيار التقييم العلامة ملاحظات
Participation: (Attendance and discussion)  10
Presentations 1  15
Assignments  20
Mid Term Exam  20
Presentations 2  15
Final Exam  20

8.المراجع والمادة الداعمة

  • Mobile Marketing Basics for Local Business A Starter Guide for Owners, Managers, and Marketers, By Ric Clark, founder and owner of Elevate Solutions Group
  • RELEVANCE RAISES RESPONSE, How to Engage and Acquire with Mobile Marketing, By Bob Bentz