1.معلومات عامة

اسم المساق رقم المساق الساعات المعتمدة
العلامة التجارية والهوية البصرية 143108 2
الفصل الثاني من العام الاكاديمي: 2023 - 2024

3.وصف المساق والاهداف

Course Description & Objectives

With the great development in the world of marketing, through this course, I will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and practices used in creating and managing a brand through a combination of theoretical studies, practical exercises, and real-life projects.

The primary goal of this course is for the student to explore the main components of brand identity, including brand positioning, brand personality, visual elements, and brand communication strategies.

4.المخرجات التعليمية

Course aims and outcomes:

A- Aim:

1. Understand the fundamental concepts and theories of branding and visual identity.

2. Analyze and evaluate existing brand identities to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.

3. Explore the psychological and emotional aspects of design and their impact on brand perception.

4. Apply design principles and techniques to create visually compelling brand assets, such as logos, typography, color schemes, and imagery.

5. Understand the role of brand identity in building brand equity, fostering brand loyalty, and driving business growth.

6. Work collaboratively on real-world projects to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills in developing brand identities.


B-   Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Ø Knowledge and Understanding

Ø Professional and Practical skills: Students will be expected to:

                The ability to distinguish between brand and visual identity

 The ability to prepare a complete, initial marketing plan based on defining the brand concept in a correct way, such as: (company description, vision, company missions, identifying the target group, analysis of the integrated marketing mix, and SWOT)

The ability to plan and build a visual identity through (drawing a logo, knowing shapes, and identifying colors).

Understanding the purchasing mechanism and consumer behavior

Developing teamwork skills

Preparing and submitting good and well-organized study reports

5.المخطط التفصيلي

الأسبوع المحتوى التفاصيل
1 Syllabus, Introduction to Brand and Visual Identity.
2 History Of Branding and Brand Concept
Brand importance
4+5 How to build brand identity
6 Brand identity management.                                   
7 Brand loyalty 
8 Midterm Exam 
9 Introduction to visual identity 
10 The importance of visual identity 
11 Elements of visual identity 
12+13 How to design a visual identity 
14+15 Presentation of student projects 
16 Final Exam 

6.السياسات المتبعة

Course Policy:

Attendance Policy: Regular attendance is required at all class meetings.

7.اساليب التقييم

معيار التقييم العلامة ملاحظات
Participation: (Attendance and discussion) 10
Assignments 10
Mid Term Exam 20
Final Project 20
Final Exam 40

8.المراجع والمادة الداعمة

PowerPoint presentations